Navigating ANSI Z535.4: Your Safety Sign Roadmap

Safety signs and labels play an important role in preventing accidents and injuries in various work environments. ANSI Z535.4: Product Safety Signs And Labels sets the standard for designing, applying, and using safety signs and labels on products.

This standard provides guidelines for manufacturers, employers, and distributors to effectively communicate safety information through product safety signs or labels. It guides them in creating, applying, and utilizing safety signs and labels to reduce accidents and injuries in various work environments.

Several design principles are used in ANSI Z535.4 to ensure that safety signs and labels are easily understood and recognized. These principles include using standardized layouts, colors, shapes, and symbols to convey specific safety messages.

Signal Word and Message Panel

Product safety signs and labels consist of a signal word panel and a message panel. The signal word panel contains the signal word and, if needed, the safety alert symbol.

The signal word communicates the seriousness of the hazard, while the message panel conveys information about the hazard, potential consequences, and how to avoid it. Specifications for these signs include border color, panel format, lettering, panel shape, safety symbol panel, and standard colors.

ANSI/ISO Harmonized Symbol

In addition to the signal word and message panel, ANSI Z535 compliant signs contain a pictorial that visually identifies the hazard, the consequence of interaction with the hazard and how to avoid the hazard. This helps communicate the hazard at a glance and reinforces the same message without the use of words, removing the language barrier.

Related: Globally Harmonized System for Hazard Communication

Types of Warning Signs

ANSI Z535.4 categorizes warning signs based on different signal words. These signal words are standardized and serve as a visual cue to indicate the level of risk associated with a particular hazard.

The ANSI Z535 signal words consist of three primary categories:


The signal word “Danger” is used to indicate an imminent hazard that, if not avoided, will result in serious injury or death. It is reserved for the most severe and life-threatening situations. Signs using the “Danger” signal word typically feature a red panel with white text and symbols.


The signal word “Warning” is used to indicate a hazard that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. While it is not as severe as “Danger,” it still represents a significant risk. Signs using the “Warning” signal word often feature an orange panel with black text and symbols.


The signal word “Caution” is used to indicate a hazard that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It represents a lower level of risk compared to “Danger” or “Warning.” Signs using the “Caution” signal word usually feature a yellow panel with black text and symbols.

In addition to the three primary signal words (“Danger,” “Warning,” and “Caution”) defined by ANSI Z535, there are two additional signal words that may be used in safety signage:


The signal word “Notice” is used to convey important information about equipment or procedures that are necessary for the proper operation of a system but are not related to personal safety. It is used to highlight non-hazardous information that is still critical for the safe and effective use of equipment or facilities. Signs using the “Notice” signal word typically feature a blue panel with white text and symbols.

Safety Instructions

While not a specific ANSI Z535 signal word, “Safety Instructions” is often used on signs to emphasize the importance of following specific safety guidelines or procedures. These signs typically provide step-by-step instructions or guidelines to ensure safe actions or behaviors.

“Notice” and “Safety Instructions” signal words are particularly useful in situations where conveying non-hazardous information is essential for safe operations or to prevent damage to equipment. They help ensure that individuals pay attention to and comply with important instructions that are not related to personal safety but are still critical for overall safety, efficiency, or compliance. The use of these signal words helps differentiate between safety-related messages and other essential information in a workplace or public setting.

A Comprehensive Framework for Safety Communication

Safety signs and labels, governed by ANSI Z535.4, are essential tools for preventing accidents and injuries. They provide standardized ways to communicate hazard information and safety instructions effectively.

The ANSI Z535 series, consisting of six standards, forms a comprehensive framework for safety communication across various environments, helping protect individuals from harm and ensuring a consistent approach to safety signage and labeling.

These standards collectively ensure a comprehensive system for safety communication in diverse settings and applications.

ANSI Z535.1 - Safety Color Code

Describes color codes for Accident prevention signs, labels, and tags. Also describes marking and location of first aid equipment, fire extinguishers, trip/slip hazards, and other potential hazards or safety equipment.

ANSI Z535.2 - Environmental and Facility Safety Signs

Regulates the design, application, and use of safety signs in facilities and the environment. Z535.2 defines requirements for a safety sign’s format, including safety headers with signal words, safety symbols, and sign legends.

ANSI Z535.3 - Criteria for Safety Symbol

Sets guidelines for the design and use of safety symbols. The standard defines four types of safety symbols: Hazard alerting, Mandatory action, Prohibition, Information.

ANSI Z535.4 - Product Safety Signs and Labels

Provides guidelines for manufacturers, employers, and distributors to effectively communicate safety information through product safety signs or labels.

ANSI Z535.5 - Safety Tags and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary Hazards)

Sets forth requirements for the design, application, and use of safety tags and barricade tapes.

ANSI Z535.6 - Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Materials

Provides guidance for creating printed information that accompanies a product, such as manuals, instructions, and other materials containing safety messages.


ANSI Z535 is a set of rules that helps make safety signs and labels easy to understand and effective. It provides guidelines on how to design signs with clear text, symbols, and colors, so people can quickly recognize and respond to potential dangers.

Product Safety Signs And Labels (ANSI Z535.4) sets the standards for designing, applying, and using safety signs and labels on products. It guides manufacturers, employers, and distributors in creating, applying, and utilizing safety signs and labels to reduce accidents and injuries in various work environments.

Further Reading