Oil filled Transformer Hatch Stud Replacement

I have an older Cooper power transformer 13.8 to 4160 oil filled on one of the access hatches on the top is leaking when it was pressurized. The studs that hold the hatch down are rusting and a couple have snapped so I would like to install new studs and new gasket. Does anybody know if they typically weld the studs in from inside the tank or do they have a blind hole I can extract the old stud from and replace it.

From my experience Cooper and Eaton transformers are welded in place. When cutting welds, purge all gas space with nitrogen and keep nitrogen flowing during cutting operations. Failure to do so may cause gases to explode in the tank.

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They are typically welded studs. It would be pretty hard to tighten nuts on anything other than welded studs. The seal is pretty important

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